About Erik Eggen
I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management from the University of Montana, Missoula in 1988. I am a member of many forestry and wildlife organizations including; MN Forestry Assoc., Society of American Foresters, MN Deer Hunters Assoc. and The Ruffed Grouse Society.
My dad is a forester and I worked my way through high school and college for the family forestry business. I also gained 10 years additional experience working for Weyerhaeuser, a large international company. My experience includes the following: writing timber appraisals, working with private landowners, establishing tree plantations and wildlife habitats, fighting forest fires, supervising logging crews, and working in sawmills and a paper mill. I studied forestry abroad in Germany's Black Forest, which has helped me gain even more appreciation for what we have here in Minnesota.
References are available upon request.
Thank you,
Erik Eggen
Forestry Consulting Services in Pine County, MN, Northern Central Minnesota, and Surrounding AreasTimberlane Forestry is a private forestry consulting & service company that works with landowners to help them manage their land for wildlife and timber and possibly lowering their property taxes.
We selectively harvest timber, which regenerates the forest, provides income, and increases wildlife habitat.
Landowners with 20 acres or more of forestland can reduce their property tax through qualification in one of two programs - the Sustainable Forestry Incentive Act (SFIA) and the 2c Managed Forest Land Classification (Class 2c). Landowners must have 20 acres or more and a DNR approved Forest Stewardship Plan to qualify for these programs. Timberlane Forestry writes over 50 of these plans a year. More details can be found at: www.taxes.state.mn.us
For a timber appraisal, aerial photo, wildlife advice or GPS property location, call Erik Eggen at 218.232.3055 or email erikdebe@brainerd.net. |
Forestry Consulting Service
Timberlane Forestry simplifies the issues and works with landowners who want to be as involved or uninvolved as they choose. Some clients have never seen their property because they have inherited it and live abroad. Other clients live on site and are intimately involved in all decisions. Timberlane Forestry can answer your questions and give you honest, objective advice on the best plan of action based on your goals. We can help with:
• Timber sales and appraisals
• Forest Stewardship Plans
• Harvesting recommendations
• Wildlife improvement
• Food plots
• Road and trail planning |
• Developments
• Property tax reduction programs
• "No slash left behind" logging
• Tree planting recommendations
• GPS property location
• Equipment recommendations |
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Timber Harvesting
We work with the best Minnesota and Wisconsin loggers in the business as certified by the Minnesota Logger Education Program (MLEP). MLEP loggers use Best Management Practices (BMP's) to make sure your forest stays healthy for generations to come.
During the harvest, we can create access trails on your land that will last long after the harvest. These roads and landings (converted to food plots) are dragged and seeded with clover after the harvest at no cost to the landowner. This is our way of saying thank you for your business.
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Wildlife Management
Timber harvesting and wildlife management go hand in hand. Not only does harvesting provide you a source of income, but it also improves wildlife habitat. Deer and grouse thrive in young aspen forests and need them to survive through the winter. A mature forest might look nice, but doesn't provide the cover and food needed to support these animals.
During the harvest, we like to leave old logs and snag trees for non-game species, birds and insects. With a typical aspen harvest, we also leave scattered oaks for acorns, small groups of young timber for cover, and confers for thermal protection. Old logging landings make great food plots and we seed them to clover after the harvest.
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Lowering Your Minnesota Property Tax
There are two property tax reduction programs. A MN landowner needs at least 20 acres of forestland and a Forest Stewardship Plan to qualify. A landowner may choose one of the programs, but not both. Timberlane Forestry will write your plan specifically for you, outlining your goals, and giving you suggestions that work for your land. Timberlane Forestry will then fill out the paperwork necessary for these tax plans.
Sustainable Forestry Incentive Act (SFIA) — With this program, you pay your property tax as usual. However, a tax rebate will come every fall equal to 1/3 to 1/2 of your property tax. This rebate is considered income.
2c Managed Forestland Classification (Class 2c) — With this option, your land is reclassified as managed timber, which reduces your property tax up to 35%.
For detailed information, click here.
Also, see the MN Department of Revenue website for information on the Sustainable Forest Incentive Act.
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Check out these websites for more information on forest and wildlife management:
Ruffed Grouse Society
Minnesota Forestry Association
Society of American Foresters
MN Deer Hunter Association
MN Logger Education Program
MN Dept. of Natural Resources
Minnesota Forest Industries
www.minnesotaforests.com |